Why Having Fitness Goals Is Important

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eohm7FADdTA I often talk to people(beginners), who have no idea what they want to get out of working out. Of course losing belly fat is a very common goal for beginners, but beyond that... nothing.. Going into fitness with no goals and without a plan of action is the quickest way to get discouraged and … Continue reading Why Having Fitness Goals Is Important

Discipline & Motivation For Fitness

In fitness, here are two things you can’t do Rely on others to motivate you to go after your goals.Rely on motivation alone to reach your goals.   Don’t get me wrong here. Motivation is important!  It can get you places.  But if you are the type of person who NEEDS other people to motivate … Continue reading Discipline & Motivation For Fitness

Why You Should Be Lifting Weights To Lose Weight – Even As A Beginner

Too often beginners that go to the gym hop on some cardio equipment for 30 minutes to an hour and call it a day. Now technically there isn’t anything wrong with that,  but if your goal is to lose fat, there is a  better and more efficient way to do that.  Don’t let the idea … Continue reading Why You Should Be Lifting Weights To Lose Weight – Even As A Beginner

Overcoming Your Fear Of Going To The Gym And How To Not Look Like A Dumbass As A Beginner

Most beginners are afraid of going to the gym. I know I was. There’s the idea that people will be staring and will probably make fun of you if you mess up or because of how you look, and while that may happen here and there it is not something that happens as often as … Continue reading Overcoming Your Fear Of Going To The Gym And How To Not Look Like A Dumbass As A Beginner

Weight Loss Transformation; My Fitness Journey

For the first time I share an in depth story about my weight loss transformation and overall fitness journey. I talk about my childhood, college, what caused my weight gain, things I tried initially to lose weight, and I go through the entire first year of my fitness journey.

How To Get Motivated To Workout

Lack of motivation is a common excuse for a lot of people on why they won't workout or get healthy. If getting healthy and working on your dream body is a goal of yours, but it's hard for you to get motivated to exercise check out these tips on how to get motivated to workout!