7 Workout Items You NEED As a Beginner

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Whether you plan to do home workouts, gym workouts or both it’s always a good thing to be prepared.

In the beginning of your journey the whole exercise thing can be overwhelming because you likely don’t know what to do, or how to do it, or what to buy.

I’m going to share my favorite items that I think any beginner NEEDS to have.

These products can be used for a variety of exercises and programs. 

And if another pandemic hits us in the future these items will surely come in handy so you don’t fall off track.

The best part is they can all be found on amazon! The link is listed for you here and at the bottom of this page.


tricep extension with dumbbell

You’ll want to grab a set of these for sure. 

Actually, a few.

If the gym is ever closed, or if you don’t feel like leaving your house, having some dumbbells handy can go a long way. 

These can be used for many things like squats, HIIT, aerobics, bicep curls and much, much more.

 I would recommend that you have at least 3 different sets of different weight amounts for when you need to up the intensity of your workouts, or because you may need a lighter or heavier weight for different exercises.


One of my favorite things to do now, and back in the beginning, is jump rope. 

It always reminds me of my childhood doing double dutch out on the street. lol

Almost anyone can jumprope.

And jumproping burns a ton of calories!!

One of the best things is they are super cheap!

and once you start learning how to do tricks you almost forget you’re even exercising. 

These can be used for simple cardio, HIIT, or when you wanna have some fun.

Definitely grab one of these!

Yoga mat

Regardless of if you keep your floor squeaky clean at all times or not, yoga mats are a great buy.

Personally I hate the feeling of carpet on my skin(other than my feet), and hard wood hurts for some things like when you have to get on your knees. 

Yoga mats help your feet stay planted, because they aren’t slippery like some floors can be.

They provide cushioning and traction and comfort for your joints.

If taken care of properly they last a long time too, so you’ll never need to buy another one, unless you just decide you want to.

I’ve hand picked two great yoga mats that you’ll see on the list. 

I promise you the investment will be worth it!


Fitbit versa 2
Fitbit Versa 2

Having a fitness tracker was a lifesaver for me.

My progress sky rocketed after I got my first Fitbit.

This was around my 7 month mark. 

Fit bit is my favorite fitness tracker. It comes with an app as well, so you can see all of your data.

I haven’t actually tried anything else, but that’s only because I haven’t needed to. 

My Fitbit has been perfect. 

What they do is track your heart rate, sleep, exercise, calories burned and more. 

My favorite thing about them is that they can pick up on exercise even if you forget to log it. 

So you don’t have to worry if you ever forget. 

Just pull up the app and it will show that you worked out and how many calories you burned.

When I got mine it changed everything for me. I was able to actually see my goals, and my progress.

Having that visualization made me want to reach and exceed my goals each day or work harder when I didn’t.

If you would benefit from actually seeing your numbers GET A FIT BIT!! 

Even if you don’t think it would make a difference, still get one and at least try it for a few weeks.

I have a few different models on my list, but my favorite one is the Fitbit Charge.

Booty band

Squats with booty band : fire hydrants with booty bands


Yes honey.

Booty bands are a great addition to glute and leg exercises.

They add extra resistance to increase your strength.

I prefer to use these instead of resistance bands for things like glute bridges, lying leg lifts, donkey kicks, fire hydrants, and squats.

Or anything glute related.

Reason being because they are made of cloth, and the resistance is much stronger than the rubber ones, so you’ll feel the burn more and get in a more intense workout.

Resistance bands

Squats with large resistance band and dumbbell : Standing leg lift with small resistance band

Resistance bands definitely do still have a purpose. 

There are different kinds, though.

There are the smaller ones that go around your legs (as seen on the right).

Those can actually be used for anything really, arm workouts, leg workouts, etc.

Then there are the larger ones that are used more for full body type exercises (on the left). 

There are so many uses for resistance bands, so get you one or two or three!

Both kinds can be found on my list. 

Kettle bell

kettlebell lunges
Lunges with kettlebells; Shoes: Pharell Williams x Adidas

Last but not least are my favorite… Kettle bells!!

This was literally my FIRST purchase, and the first workout I did with it had my body on fire the next day.

These things can be used for almost anything. 


Squats, curls, lunges, farmers carry, ab work, etc, etc, etc

If you don’t get anything else on this list, get you a kettle bell!

You won’t regret it. 

Ieisha d

Each and every thing on this list I have used myself, and still do today.

If you need any workout ideas for any of these items listed definitely shoot me a message and I’d be happy to send you some videos!

Click here to view my list to check them out and/or purchase.

Now go get to WERK!

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